Rafael Izbicki (UFSCar) | PhD
Rafael Izbicki (UFSCar) | PhD
Featured Publications
Lecture Notes
Nonparametric Statistics
ABC-CDE: Toward Approximate Bayesian Computation with Complex High-Dimensional Data and Limited Simulations
We show how a nonparametric conditional density estimation (CDE) framework helps address three nontrivial challenges in ABC. (i) how to efficiently estimate the posterior distribution with limited simulations and different types of data, (ii) how to tune and compare the performance of ABC and related methods in estimating the posterior itself, rather than just certain properties of the density, and (iii) how to efficiently choose among a large set of summary statistics based on a CDE surrogate loss.
Rafael Izbicki
Taylor Pospisil
Ann B. Lee
February, 2019
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Comparing two populations using Bayesian Fourier series density estimation
M. H. de A. Inácio
Rafael Izbicki
L. E. B. Salasar
July, 2018
Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation.
Conditional density estimation using Fourier series and neural networks
Most machine learning tools aim at creating good predictions for new samples. However, obtaining 100% is not feasible in most problems, …
M. H. de A. Inácio
Rafael Izbicki
May, 2018
KDMiLe - Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning - Algorithms Track
Converting High-Dimensional Regression to High-Dimensional Conditional Density Estimation
Here we propose a fully nonparametric approach to conditional density estimation that reformulates CDE as a non-parametric orthogonal series problem where the expansion coefficients are estimated by regression. By taking such an approach, one can efficiently estimate conditional densities and not just expectations in high dimensions by drawing upon the success in high-dimensional regression. We show applications to photometric galaxy data, Twitter data, and line-of-sight velocities in a galaxy cluster.
Rafael Izbicki
Ann B. Lee
November, 2017
Electronic Journal of Statistics
A unified framework for constructing, tuning and assessing photometric redshift density estimates in a selection bias setting
Photometric redshift estimation is an indispensable tool of precision cosmology. One problem that plagues the use of this tool in the …
P.E. Freeman
Rafael Izbicki
A.B. Lee
October, 2017
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Photo-z estimation: An example of nonparametric conditional density estimation under selection bias
We describe a general framework for properly constructing and assessing nonparametric conditional density estimators under selection bias, and for combining two or more estimators for optimal performance. This leads to new improved photo-z estimators. We illustrate our methods on data from the Sloan Data Sky Survey and an application to galaxy-galaxy lensing.
Rafael Izbicki
Ann B. Lee
Peter E. Freeman
February, 2017
The Annals of Applied Statistics
Nonparametric Conditional Density Estimation in a High-Dimensional Regression Setting.
In some applications (e.g., in cosmology and economics), the regression E[Z|x] is not adequate to represent the association between a …
Rafael Izbicki
A. B. Lee
November, 2016
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
A Spectral Series Approach to High-Dimensional Nonparametric Regression.
A key question in modern statistics is how to make fast and reliable inferences for complex, high-dimensional data. While there has …
A. B. Lee
Rafael Izbicki
November, 2016
Electronic Journal of Statistics
High-Dimensional density ratio estimation with extensions to approximate likelihood computation
The ratio between two probability density functions is an important component of various tasks, including selection bias correction, …
Rafael Izbicki
A. B. Lee
C. M. Schafer
December, 2014
Journal of Machine Learning Research (AISTATS Track)